
My First Ever COUCHSURFING Experience and Almost Caught with CANNABIS: First Time Solo Travel Experience


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“Why should I travel solo?” 

I tell you, this question has plagued my mind numerous times. Have you experienced it too?

The thought of going on a journey alone as a female is daunting, but I have learned that it’s precisely this fear that makes solo travel so compelling.

It was back in 2019 when I fell in love with the idea of traveling around the world with good vibes and happy feet after watching the Filipino movie ‘Dear Other Self’.

Even though I fell in love with this idea, there was still that pounding in my heart and too much hesitation.

A year after securing my second job in Dubai and recovering from a breakup, I received a 500 aed discount voucher from Sharaf DG that could be redeemed for flights. This served as the motivation I needed to finally pursue something I had long desired: Solo Travel.

Solo Travel

Where to Next?

And where was my first destination? In the land of the Himalayas, Mount Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world, Nepal.

As I researched about this country, I became even more curious and didn’t hesitate anymore. 

This is where I first experienced living with a local host through Couchsurfing.

I will never forget Sudhir and his family who were so kind and hospitable. 

From the moment I landed in Kathmandu until I returned to Dubai, they made sure my stay with them was comfortable and enjoyable. 

Data connection wasn’t a thing for me back then, so I only connected where there was Wi-Fi, and I relied mostly on offline maps like Maps.me

Sudhir had his relative Nabin pick me up at the airport since he couldn’t make it, and when I arrived at their house, that’s where I met him. 

Sudhir let me stay in their guest room, which is now a hostel popular among backpackers. Its name is 32 Steps Hotel if you want to check it out. 

Solo Travel

We had a great chat while eating their home-cooked meals, and after that, Nabin accompanied me to explore the Monkey Temple, also called Swayambhunath, then Durbar Square, Garden of Dreams, and Thamel for my first day.

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Monkey Temple

I was amazed by the number of monkeys running around, swinging, and some just relaxing and grooming each other at the Monkey Temple. 

I told Nabin about the power outage at the airport when I arrived, and he joked that maybe it was because of the monkeys swinging on the power lines. 

By the way, there’s no entrance fee at the Monkey Temple, and it reminded me of my high school days because of the steep stairs you have to climb. 

So there are two ways to reach the top of the hill and see one of the great  Stupas in the world

One is to climb up the stone stairway with 365 steps or walk to the western side of the stupa. I chose the latter when going up. At the top, you can see the beautiful and peaceful endless view of Kathmandu valley.

Durbar Square had a different vibe for me. It felt like I was transported back in ancient times. Well, thanks to it being one of the oldest Buddhist cities in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

The historical structures here, especially the intricate carvings of the temples, were amazing. 

The place was bustling with people, dusty, and chaotic if you’re not used to crowds.

Beyond all the majestic temples and mountains in Kathmandu, the Garden of Dreams is a nice place to visit and wind down after a long day. Entrance fee is 200 Nepali rupees or 5-6 AED.

We visited Thamel, Kathmandu’s center of tourism, but we first passed by Nabin’s relative’s store where we tried some fried and steamed momos and Nepali tea. 

At night, we searched for this cute Japanese restaurant named Nagomi Japanese Restaurant , which was recommended to me by a friend who had been there too.

The next day, we woke up early to visit Pashupatinath (the temple of life and death), Boudhanath Stupa, and went to Ratna Bus Stand to catch the bus to Kamalbinayak Bus Park in Bhaktapur to take us to Nagarkot. 

It was an extreme ride in the local buses for over an hour. The drivers drove very fast on unbelievably bad roads, and it was crazy! I hope that by now, they’ve fixed the road already. 

After a few minutes walk from the bus stop, we found a charming cottage named Sherpa Alpine Cottage  where we stayed for a night. 

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I enjoyed the sunrise and sunset-chasing experience here despite the freezing temperature. 

I love how laid back and relaxing this place is, where you can also jam with other travelers. 

I met a girl who is both a songwriter and a WWOOFer, and together we harmonized while singing her original compositions. 

The following day, we ventured to the Peaceful Cottage and Café du Mont perched atop the mountain, where we beheld the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas. 

Fortunately, we were blessed with clear skies on that day!

I won’t forget the moment when we were about to trek to the Lookout Tower. It was funny because the guitar I bought from the cottage owner had dried cannabis leaves hidden in a secret pocket of the guitar cover. 

Nabin asked me what it was, and I had no idea, so he told me it was weed. 

I don’t know how it ends up there or who uses it. I was shocked but at the same time grateful that it was discovered before I went home, or else I would have been caught at the Dubai airport, and who knows what would have happened. 

Back in Kathmandu, before heading to the airport, we stopped by their local shops to buy some small tokens of appreciation for Sudhir and his family.

Of course, I didn’t miss the chance to taste their famous buffalo momos.

After visiting their local shops and savoring the delicious buffalo momos, it was time to bid farewell to Sudhir and his family. 

As I packed my bags and prepared to leave Kathmandu, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the incredible hospitality and unforgettable experiences they had shared with me. 

It was a crazy and memorable experience in Nepal that I’m glad I had because I learned a lot of things. Indeed, taking a leap of faith to travel alone is the best way to be lost and find yourself at the same time. 

Those moments will forever hold a special place in my heart, serving as a reminder of the beauty of stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new adventures. 

Cheers to all solo female travelers!

Feel free to explore my Nepal Travel Vlogs for videos, and browse through additional blogs below to assist you in planning your own adventures!

Nepal Vlogs

The Temple of Life and Death Vlog

Himalayan Range in Nagarkot and More!

Music Jamming with a Backpacker in Nagarkot

Boudanath Stupa


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